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Forum title:Problems
Topic title:Problems with Happy Hacking Keyboard
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2006-11-15 15:26:56
Read times:4761

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Date: 2006-11-15 15:26:56
Edited: 2006-11-15 15:33:43

Hi, I like TyperA very much and want to train a little bit every day.
Today I got a new keyboard - Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite 2 (very neat indeed :) - but there is a problem with TyperA and the German umlauts (yes that word means in German and in English the same :).
On this keyboard I need to Press Right Alt + 'q' or 'y' or 'p' to get ä or ü or ö. In Windows this is working quite good but only TyperA Applet simply doesn't recognize it...
Right now I'm using Firefox 2.0 but I don't think that it's a problem with the browser...
In every other program or website it is working only here it doesn't :(.

Anybody got the same keyboard and the same problem?
Greetings from Germany :)

ps. oh forgot to mention that it works with another keyboard where are extra keys for the umlauts....

Date: 2007-02-02 10:48:07

Yep, same problem. I can't use dead keys or alt-gr. For me that means no 'ö', no 'å', not even a ',' or a '?'. :(.

Date: 2007-02-03 20:25:37

Well. The exact source of trouble seems to be that typerA only accepts input on characters mapped directly to the keys pressed. Dead keys and AltGr seem to be disabled. I don't know if it's related to a Java bug ( like http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4957565 or http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4122687 ). If it is then maybe (I'm next to clueless in the ways of programming) recompiling typerA with the latest version of Sun (1.6) will fix the problem. At lest the bug is reported as fixed. But I'm running SE 6 now and the problem persists so I figure it might be a compiler issue.

The only other possibility I'm aware of is that the problem might be the result of an attempt to make cheating more difficult. If so, I hope dead keys and AltGr will be enabled because the work around is a pain. (Getting comma+space/x/y to feed ', ' '?' and '!' took me a few hours and required modifying my layout so that '?' and ',' occupied an unused key on my keyboard, QWERTY '-' and '=' ).

Date: 2007-04-08 04:36:40

Yepp, same problem here, but not with the German standard-layout. I want to train the German neo-layout and can't use the '?' as well, because it requires the combination 'AltGr + h'.

Date: 2007-04-26 05:02:38
Edited: 2007-04-26 05:52:15

Linus wrote:
Yepp, same problem here, but not with the German standard-layout. I want to train the German neo-layout and can't use the '?' as well, because it requires the combination 'AltGr + h'.

If you're using Windows, you can make a custom layout using Microsoft's Keyboard Layout Creator at http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/tools/msklc.mspx

Place the '?' on an unused key or on the CAPS part of the layout and use a program called Autohotkey to type the '?' when you use the altgr combination.

I use altgr-g (QWERTY altgr-q) for '('. To access the character in TyperA I have the '(' character on the caps position the key with scancode 00a.

To use it when I type altgr-g, I use the following macro in an Autohotkey script:

    SetCapsLockState, on
    Sendinput {CapsLock}+{sc00a}{CapsLock}
    SetCapsLockState, off

You can use the German neo-layout as the basis of your custom layout for TyperA.

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