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Forum title:Problems
Topic title:ä, å, ? and ',' won't work for me in typ
Created by: v..uk
Created on:2007-02-02 09:47:55
Read times:3185

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Date: 2007-02-02 09:47:55

I'm using Windows XP, Firefox and Sun Java 2.

I realized that I can't use my comma ',' or my '?' in typerA. But they work here. My comma is a dead key. And comma+space should be ', ' and comma+x should be '?'. I also have Altgr+comma set to a regular comma ',' and shift+Altgr+x set to '?' (thoes too weren't working in typerA although they work here ,?,??,,,)

I tried typing in Swedish and realized that 'ä' and 'å' (set to comma+q and comma+j) don't work either. But they work just fine here. Does anyone have any ideas about why this is happening?

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