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Forum title:Typing
Topic title:Typing games/software in Swedish
Created by: AmiraHime
Created on:2007-07-18 09:19:32
Read times:3349

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Date: 2007-07-18 09:19:32

I am wondering if ther are any online or offline typing games/software that you know of?

Date: 2007-08-06 03:43:54
Edited: 2007-08-06 03:44:56

AmiraHime wrote:
I am wondering if ther are any online or offline typing games/software that you know of?

I made an AutoHotKeys script that works with notepad for any window system in notepad.

If you're using Mac or Unix any macro program can do the same thing.

I modify enter so that it removes the following line (I practice by copying the line below my line of type) and scrolls down so that I always see the next three lines.

And I modify the back space so that it removes the entire line of type forcing me to type accurately.

Any stop watch can be used to track speed.

And escape exits the macro.

The big advantage to this haphazard method is that it works in all languages with any layout with your choice of text. No set up required.

AutoHotKeys is available from: http://www.autohotkey.com/

Here my simple script:

bs:: sendinput +{home}{space}{left}{del}

enter::sendinput {space}{left}{del}{down}{home}+{end}{space}{left}{del}{down}{down}{dow n}{up}{up}{up}

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