Date: 2008-07-09 11:41:26
I'm new here, and I was wondering how the penalty system works, what exactly is penalised and how does it affect your score?
Date: 2008-09-10 03:23:22
You don't get any points for words that contain a typo.
Date: 2016-10-14 13:07:15
jouko wrote:
You don't get any points for words that contain a typo.
It would be interesting to see and compare my error rate. Error should equal every keypress that is above the written text's character count PLUS the character count of incorrectly typed words. So a flawless typing would mean that you didn't make mistakes at all, your cursor only moved from left to right. Error rate could be calculated as (error+text)/text >= 1 or fawlessness?? (text)/(error+text) =< 1 Whichever sounds better.
Date: 2017-01-13 04:09:35
Edited: 2017-01-13 04:10:00
They affect your score Because They affect your score. You have To Deal With it.