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Forum title:Typing
Topic title:Always seem tof all apart 2/3 of the way
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2005-01-27 16:08:34
Read times:4440

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Date: 2005-01-27 16:08:34

I really lose it about 2/3 of the way through... by about halfway I'm usually cruising along at almost 500 characters per minutes. Then, I just start to fall apart after that, and I generally finish at about 435 by the end. Maybe one of those gel pads would help give me some mmore support and tire me less?

Date: 2005-06-02 23:35:57

jhokie wrote:
I really lose it about 2/3 of the way through... by about halfway I'm usually cruising along at almost 500 characters per minutes. Then, I just start to fall apart after that, and I generally finish at about 435 by the end. Maybe one of those gel pads would help give me some mmore support and tire me less?

Hmm, thats interesting... I must be the opposite to you - I never seem to tire. I suppose I'm what you call an "endurance" typer. Some times, depending on what words are required of me to write, I can be on fire and be typing at speeds in excess of 550 kpm... However I usually finish at about 78-85 wpm as I seem to get distracted and once I start making a few mistakes, and the flow of typing is disrupted, I find it really hard to get back into a fast-flowing rythem... But I can go for hours without tyring, I suppose thats what endless hours of MSN does to you :)

Date: 2007-05-09 15:55:52

I would suppose that the problem is not your skill, but your rhythm.

Having an irregular rhythm means you might be trying to overcompensate and it causes you to lose focus. This happens to me all the time because I have a bad habit of irregular typing rhythm.

It helps me to use a metronome, and to practise at beginner levels typing more slowly to force myself to type with an even meter.

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