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Forum title:Typing
Topic title:Is this really possible??
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2005-02-02 03:20:45
Read times:69484

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Date: 2005-02-02 03:20:45

Hey fellas. I'm working as a programmer, and I've been typing pretty much every day for the last 10 years.
Still, my scoring is only about 300kpm, both Swedish and English. Here at work, I'm without doubt the fastest typer. (OK, it's a small company)

But how can you possibly score 700+ kpm? Are you really random people off the net, or in some way specialized typers?

Date: 2005-02-02 08:13:33

Sure, it is possible. The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

I type 130wpm on QWERTY however and know several people in real life who can type faster. (none of whom are anything in specialization related to typing)

I am also a programmer, and so I can say that actually programming isn't very typing intensive. Not relative to other things, such as playing a MUD, or being a very avid communicator using instant messaging or chat rooms.

Typing tutors are a good way to improve typing speed. This is certainly a good program which helps, but it's nothing compared to actually typing regularly as part of the usual routine - not just programming, which requires a lot more thought than typing. I've found MUDs to be the best way to increase typing speed naturally, without actually trying to become a faster typer. Of course, they are not for everyone. There is even a link to a MUD on the left side of this site, but besides that, I can recommend my home MUD: Materia Magica (www.materiamagica.com) MUDs are (usually) free online text RPG games (if you don't already know) the one I mentioned is supported by donations from players.

Hope this helps. There aren't really many common possibly physical liminations that wouldn't allow one to attain speeds near 100wpm (500kpm) But, if you find it physically difficult to type faster, I strongly suggest trying the Dvorak layout which drastically decreases the distance your fingers must travel.

Date: 2005-02-02 22:05:01

Okay, thanks for the input. I've been thinking of changing to the Dvorak layout several times but, apparantly, researches conclude Dvorak is not faster than qwerty. (?)

About MUDs, I did some telnet mudding many years ago, but nowadays there's just no time for fun.... :-/

And about programming - you are probably right, there is not that much typing, most of it is just repetition. If TyperA had more if-then-else-begin-end-do I would probably kick more ass in the highscores! :)

Happy typing dudes

Date: 2005-02-03 06:13:37
Edited: 2005-02-03 06:14:15

The Dvorak is definitely better. I switched in may, and haven't regretted it. It's more comfortable to type for long periods of time. However, my dvorak speed is still only just shy of my old qwerty speed. Also, my qwerty speed has dropped from ~100 to about 35wpm.

I would imagine programming is good for those blasted symbol keys, but not much else. if(x!=y || x == z)...

One last thing I'll suggest is that getting faster requires a conscious effort. One must type quickly in order to become a quick typist; walking won't make a better sprinter.

Date: 2005-02-15 02:40:30

I use QWERTY, and my current best is 759. I don't really specialize in using computers, I've just studied piano for a long time, and I happen to type a lot.

A good way to improve your speed is to improve the manual dexterity in your fingers, through other tasks. Continuing doing things that require good use of your fingers, and your typing speed will continue to improve.

Date: 2005-02-15 02:41:41
Edited: 2005-02-15 02:42:09

Rakeri wrote:
Sure, it is possible. The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

I type 130wpm on QWERTY however and know several people in real life who can type faster. (none of whom are anything in specialization related to typing)

I am also a programmer, and so I can say that actually programming isn't very typing intensive. Not relative to other things, such as playing a MUD, or being a very avid communicator using instant messaging or chat rooms.

Typing tutors are a good way to improve typing speed. This is certainly a good program which helps, but it's nothing compared to actually typing regularly as part of the usual routine - not just programming, which requires a lot more thought than typing. I've found MUDs to be the best way to increase typing speed naturally, without actually trying to become a faster typer. Of course, they are not for everyone. There is even a link to a MUD on the left side of this site, but besides that, I can recommend my home MUD: Materia Magica (www.materiamagica.com) MUDs are (usually) free online text RPG games (if you don't already know) the one I mentioned is supported by donations from players.

Hope this helps. There aren't really many common possibly physical liminations that wouldn't allow one to attain speeds near 100wpm (500kpm) But, if you find it physically difficult to type faster, I strongly suggest trying the Dvorak layout which drastically decreases the distance your fingers must travel.

It still is pretty fast though. I can only type about 120. (WPM that is)

Date: 2005-02-15 14:52:48

My record is 425 kp/m, which is 85 words per minute.
I type QWERTZ (which is the German layout, just Y and Z switched).


Date: 2005-02-17 18:38:16

Hmm, is that dvorak-keyboard better for each language or only for english?
My record in words is 148 wpm, thats 739 words in a minute (german), so i know, that its possible to write so fast ;) you just need a good keyboard (mine is laptop-keyboard) and ... (training) I'm a student.. and 16 years old ;)

Date: 2005-02-22 20:55:44

I think you only need loosely fingers. You shouldn't cramp. I think it's a better training to write a little bit on your keyboard in word or whatever, than typing 30 minutes a day in typera. I always can type better, if I didn't use typera for some weeks.

Date: 2005-02-23 14:31:23

Gandalf. The davorak settup is specialy designed for english. So it may work like crap when you type another language.

Date: 2005-02-23 16:43:51
Edited: 2005-02-23 17:10:22

wow how you do this??????????*big eyes*
I can just type 31 words(159 keys) in a minute but I'm new here

Date: 2005-03-16 08:05:34

prohexa wrote:
Hey fellas. I'm working as a programmer, and I've been typing pretty much every day for the last 10 years.
Still, my scoring is only about 300kpm, both Swedish and English. Here at work, I'm without doubt the fastest typer. (OK, it's a small company)

But how can you possibly score 700+ kpm? Are you really random people off the net, or in some way specialized typers?

I have 641, and have number 37 on the top 50 typers on this website. I attribute my quick typing abilities to being forced into taking typing tutorials at a young age, ie during grade school. We were told by the teachers that we needed to complete the typing tutorials, and I always managed to get the best in my class. At that time, I remember I could get 50 words per minute on one of the incredibly easy tests if I was lucky, which was worlds above my peers. Since then, I've pretty much been on the computer almost every day of my life. It sounds pathetic, but I really have spent thousands of hours typing, and I guess that's why I'm so good at it now. However, I'm not the best, as there are 36 people who have typed on this site alone that are better than me. That being said, when I first discovered this site about a year ago, I was only typing about 100wpm, compared to my all time high score of 128wpm.

I'm 17 years old, and there are probably plenty of people out there who can type about as fast as I can, but I might have the edge because I've been playing the piano since age 7 and have quite a bit of coordination and dexterity in my fingers.

Date: 2005-03-16 12:40:15

I thought that I'm not bad in typing (QUERTZ), but there are more or less 50% of the registered users better than me... I didn't expect that! Respect.

Date: 2005-03-29 14:34:11

I'm all most 15 yrs old and I've been typing with QWERTY for about ten years :P
My speed is about 530 kpm.

Date: 2005-03-31 02:56:37

I've did 500 kpm on QWERTZ, but am currently switching to NEO, a new German layout, something like DVORAK. It does reduce finger movement, but the switching is quite difficult, after maybe 4 days (at the beginning even practising alot by typing alot of text at embarassing slow speeds ;) ) I can get up to 140 kpm. Still got a long way ahead.

Date: 2005-04-05 19:20:43

what is QWERTY? what does it mean? hehe.. =)

Date: 2005-04-08 07:57:43

winny wrote:
what is QWERTY? what does it mean? hehe.. =)

Um... Look down at your keyboard.

Date: 2005-04-12 21:35:56

I'm 15 years old and can reach up to 150 WPM on occassion with QWERTY. I also MUD daily.

Date: 2005-04-13 16:18:00

My latest record is 447 keys per minute (I don't use a special typing method like 10 fingers or so, just my own system ^^ ) ... No one of my friends writes faster than me (they have about 100 - 250 keys per minute)... O.K., I started to sit in front of computers when I was 3 ^^ (now I'm 16)

Date: 2005-04-16 21:24:20

I type up to 85 wpm and I'm only 13. But I'm sure it's possible to type a lot faster on the Dvorak keyboard. It's really amazing.

Date: 2005-04-17 01:18:40

My record on the en(2-min) so far is 507kpm. I am often able to do about 122wpm after one minute's time, but then it slowly dies out. I use QWERTY, on an ergo keyboard where the keys are seperated at the middle and slanted inward in a V shape manner. I tried DVORAK; and was able to memorize all the keys in about 2 days time. By the third day of DVORAK, I did 28wpm; then I thought, is this really worth it? QWERTY is able to do the same; and maybe this is just a hype so that the creator of the layout could make more money; so I left DVORAK because I love QWERTY too much. And QWERTY offers left-right alternating typing too, so why switch? I started to play guitar at about the same time I started typing at the age of 11. I normally type 80 give or take. High school keyboarding and wordprocessing classes also helped alot too. :)

Date: 2005-04-30 17:30:14
Edited: 2005-04-30 17:31:26

yo we r fastest typers because we train hard and we r fat so become fat and play runescape and make a account and add hellblaster5 and ask him for tips. under stand yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! th website is runescape.com alright

Date: 2005-05-27 05:03:01
Edited: 2005-05-27 05:04:11

JamesGordon and cjky are the only two guys with scores on the board (the English Sentences board, anyway) that corroborate their claims, so I'd trust their advice more since that's the particular one I'm trying to improve in... and the interesting thing is that they both play the piano!
I'm guessing that dexterity exercises aid your speed a lot, and playing the piano AND typing must be great for that.

Currently I seem to have hit a cap at under 560 (it took me fifteen games to go from 553 to 556), but hopefully if I keep working on it I'll improve.

Date: 2005-06-01 09:01:32

I guess 700+ is possible :). I sometimes do like 500kpm but i always do lower on the highscores because I have to do some stupid words what will push my score down. And i also think that typing 'from the screen' is slower than you just type something out your head ;).

Date: 2005-06-01 22:30:29

Thats the sence of the game, that there are some stupid words, which are hard to write, it would be just too easy to write always the same, facile words... its a challenge to write difficult words.. and with a speed, that you can't even see your own fingers :)

Date: 2005-06-04 06:47:06

dang... i can only type about 50 wpm ; ; i feel lowly...

Date: 2005-06-05 21:26:38

I have 475kpm on the Swedish sentences. I know there are a lot of people who type faster than I do, but nonetheless, I have played the piano for like 10 years and I think that has helped me a lot. Just my two cents.

Date: 2005-06-12 23:54:19

I know I'm missing something...what is the Dvorak style?!

Date: 2005-06-14 13:16:47

Sure it is.

Date: 2005-06-18 07:10:47

Skaar~ This is Dvorak: http://homepage.mac.com/chinesemac/LatinExtended/graphics/Dvorak.jpg

I like how this topic turned into a "My best is ###, and I've been typing for # years." I think it's interesting how the piano adds so much to typing speed; I have a friend who is quite similar to me, but his best is 30 below mine. I attribute this difference to my study of the piano.

Date: 2005-09-28 05:03:22

mjmoonwalker wrote:
Rakeri wrote:
Sure, it is possible. The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

I type 130wpm on QWERTY however and know several people in real life who can type faster. (none of whom are anything in specialization related to typing)

I am also a programmer, and so I can say that actually programming isn't very typing intensive. Not relative to other things, such as playing a MUD, or being a very avid communicator using instant messaging or chat rooms.

Typing tutors are a good way to improve typing speed. This is certainly a good program which helps, but it's nothing compared to actually typing regularly as part of the usual routine - not just programming, which requires a lot more thought than typing. I've found MUDs to be the best way to increase typing speed naturally, without actually trying to become a faster typer. Of course, they are not for everyone. There is even a link to a MUD on the left side of this site, but besides that, I can recommend my home MUD: Materia Magica (www.materiamagica.com) MUDs are (usually) free online text RPG games (if you don't already know) the one I mentioned is supported by donations from players.

Hope this helps. There aren't really many common possibly physical liminations that wouldn't allow one to attain speeds near 100wpm (500kpm) But, if you find it physically difficult to type faster, I strongly suggest trying the Dvorak layout which drastically decreases the distance your fingers must travel.

It still is pretty fast though. I can only type about 120. (WPM that is)

yah, well I type about 30 wpm and I started to try to type fast about a week a go and I started at about 10wpm. Maybe it's because I play my guitar all the time. So I might be able to type that fast soon.

Date: 2005-09-28 05:16:02

Shawchert wrote:
dang... i can only type about 50 wpm ; ; i feel lowly...

don't feel bad I type 30wpm now i'm sad.!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 2005-09-28 17:31:39

Rakeri wrote:

I am also a programmer, and so I can say that actually programming isn't very typing intensive. Not relative to other things, such as playing a MUD, or being a very avid communicator using instant messaging or chat rooms.

Well, I just scored a 136kpm/27wpm in the game. I had a computer typing tutor program when I got my 1st AT system, and eventually tried it. I think I got up to 33 wpm with that before losing interest. I had a phone interview yesterday, for a programmer job, and they asked me how fast I could type. That's the 1st time anyone ever asked me that for a programming job. So I said, "Umm, 33wmp." I suppose that did not sound too low to her, because she told me now I have to do the drug screen and background check. Anyway, I found a shareware typing program to see if I can improve again. (Advanced Speed Typing 2.92). NICE SITE!

Date: 2005-09-28 17:34:38

A big problem for me was not knowing how to fix mistakes at first.

Date: 2005-09-30 02:20:42
Edited: 2005-09-30 02:23:47

Oh yes yes yes! Typing is very possible. I have moved from a speed of 5 words a minute to 50 words per minute in 6 months so guys, go for it. I am the best and no one can beat me. Thats for sure. If you think you can, holla back!!

Date: 2005-10-03 05:03:52

i second the above person/people who said it's all about the chat programs - i'm a unique case too cuz i'm in a grad program where everyone desperately tries to transcribe what the profs say (out of fear that we'll miss the gems of wisdom that will give us good grades). i never learned touch typing, but in the past 2 and a half years of this exercise, i don't have to look at keys anymore. i just put on dvorak stickers on to my keyboard, and when i don't feel like struggling thru dvorak (i.e. when i need to be productive), i'm still fine. just don't look down!!

i don't know that i'll get to even 600 kpm or whatever the top scores are on qwerty though... because of the way i learned, i think my finger memory is very word-based... i.e. words and letter combos i have typed MANY times are the most familiar, and the easiest to fly thru... new words, or words in another language (even if only roman characters from the english language are used) that have unfamiliar character combos slow me down a lot.


Date: 2005-10-20 09:54:24

eek,now i feel inferior, alwell i'm very proud of my 70wpm skills, i probably could type faster, but when i go really fast i start thinking about it and than i have to slow down again. Well i learnt the keys when i was about 13, but it couldn't even had been called anything like typing till right before i turned 15, i believe my wpm in freshman year of highschool was something like 10wpm, but now i'm pretty fast(i'm 17)
but i type alot soo i guess thats why

Date: 2005-10-27 20:01:21

Rakeri wrote:
Sure, it is possible. The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

Do you or anyone else have a source for this?
I googled a while for typing contests but never found results. (which speed, which keyboard, which layout maybe wich profession)


Date: 2005-11-11 23:15:34
Edited: 2005-11-11 23:17:38

But how can you possibly score 700+ kpm? Are you really random people off the net, or in some way specialized typers?

I'm 15 and #22 on the highscores, 678 kpm ~ 135 wpm on English sentences. I'd agree with piano and IM as major contributing factors to fast typing speed. I can go slightly faster on a piano, about 720 kpm, and I can sustain ~700 kpm on English sentences (I think I managed ~730 for about ten seconds in the middle once) before stupid words like "Siouxicide" drop me down.

Do you or anyone else have a source for this?


Date: 2005-11-22 03:12:00

Yea its pretty possible, i mean im 12 years old and i type between 75- 115 WPM

Date: 2005-12-04 12:01:06

My current high is 714 CPM. Similar to ckjy, I have been playing piano since around 5 (and typing since around 7... everyday in school almost).

Nowadays, I definitely keep up with the piano, it is a wonderful instrument and extremely fun. I've known a few people around me that types almost as fast.. one of my friends types around 110 wpm, and another about 105.

In terms of DVORAK, I started typing in it two years ago, when I used to practice typera almost daily. I thought I'd get good in it, and I spent about 45 minutes/day practicing. I steadily increased about 5 wpm faster/week until I level'd out at about 50 wpm. That was about after 3 months, and I kinda stopped there. Since then, I have increased to 65 wpm without really practicing.

One thing I found that helped increase my personal speed was to bust off my backspace =) I seem to make a lot of typos, and after practicing for several months without a backspace, my error margin went down drastically =) Feel free to send me messages if you have any questions or what not.

Date: 2006-02-06 20:42:55

Awesome thread. I'll throw in my 2 cents I guess.

I literally just discovered this website last night while surfing and got quite addicted to it. I don't know how to play the piano, although I used a MIDI keyboard before (I'm not very proficient, nor do I use it often.) The typing noises around me in the WAM lab sound kind of fast, but I bet the average user gets around 50 wpm at this University. Most people can touch type but I get weird looks when I take TyperA tests because my fingers are flying (I can do 612 kpm on a straight QWERTY keyboard.) I have psychological problems following the letters fast enough on the screen, and I've tried turning up music LOUD, listening to fast paced music, using Pacemaker plugin for Winamp to increase song speed of a slow song by 75 - 100%, etc. I don't know what my number rank is, but since #50 is currently 639 kpm on English sentences, and I got 612, I am probably in the top 100.

Chatrooms, are the major contributing factor for me. Also, like others, I've been doing this since I was extremely young, and I was forced to learn basic typing in elementary school. I remember going much faster than the tests they set forth for me.

I like to write creative narratives. I'll sometimes pop open a text editor, lean back, stare at the ceiling or an object, and start typing freely. I don't know what my WPM goes to in this mode, but sometimes I get to typing very fast, and I rarely need to correct any mistakes. When I'm making posts I tend to ramble because my typing rate stays at a steady 100wpm+ while I'm typing away my thoughts. It's easier for me to type my thoughts than to visually follow those damn scrolling nonsense words on TyperA! lol.

lol @ "siouxicide". That kind of word REALLY screws me up. I end up starting over when I get on a space differential and every word I type is wrong (because I hit space and I'm typing the previous word than the highlighted one)!

My ergonomic keyboard feels way better on my wrists than this stupid lab computer's straight keyboard. I don't think I could hit or exceed my peak again today, if only because I wore myself out beating my peak by 1 KEY per minute and my wrists are a little sore. I'm typing at like 95 wpm right now. =/

Wish that I had room in my house for a piano. As soon as I move out with my GF, we're buying a piano. :D

Date: 2006-02-17 16:35:19

I'm only around 91 wpm or something like that a minute on average, must faster when typing to friends and I don't use correct grammer or punctuation. My mom had an old fashioned typewriter when I was growing up *in the middle of the woods*. She also took a lot of secretarial classes and had typing instruction books laying around. From age 7 or 8 on I played pretend office with my stuffed animals and the one girl who lived within a mile. I used her typing books and imaged they were letters I had to copy.
Due to the age and key... resistance?... of the typewriter, I came to typing class preinstalled with very strong and precise key movements. I also learned in school on a typewriter and keyboard at the same time, so I got used to switching keyboard layouts - which was handy when I started learning french and russian, and also for POS computers at jobs and the weird keyboard system where I currently work.

fun fun fun

Date: 2006-09-08 22:10:20

I can understand why it may seem impossible to type at speeds exceeding 100wpm to some, especially those who haven't had much experience with typing. In a sense, the fastest typers on here (those that type well over 100 wpm) are specialized, because they have most likely been typing for years, and similarly, I think that most have been taught to type "formally" by using a program, rather than just developing their own style. I have a friend who taught himself to type, and has been spending hours a day on the computer, typing a great deal of that time, for the last 7 years or so...and his typing speed still can't match mine (He averages about 100, his best is something like 110).

I started off with typing when I was in elementary school. My school actually required us to go through a little typing program during computer class. I enjoyed it more than most people, and strove to complete all the lessons and better myself through practice. I think I was probably about 7 or 8 at this time, so I developed the skill to touch type at an early age, which is something I find most adults these days aren't proficient at. I remember that I was scoring something like 55wpm in the typing program, which I thought was really fast--and so did all my friends.

From then on, my typing speed grew and grew as I used the internet more frequently. I became very involved with chatrooms around the age of 12, and spent hours a day communicating with people. I think it was during this period that I received my best practice, as typing became a second nature. When you're forced to do something to communicate, you'll end up learning it a lot more quickly (hence the reason why being immersed in a foreign language will help you learn it many times faster than you would otherwise). My typing speed increased steadily for years, until finally topping out about a year ago. I discovered typeratk and tested myself every now and then, finally getting my all time best score of 128wpm. I haven't been able to touch it since--I haven't even come within 5wpm of my fastest. I feel like I might be able to increase my record to something like 140 over the course of my entire life, but I doubt if I'll ever be able to reach 150. There just comes a point where you do have to have something special to be able to type that fast.

Being a fast and avid reader ever since grade school, as well as playing the piano since the age of 7 are both factors which I think contribute to my fast typing speed...However, I think those might be responsible for maybe a 10wpm edge over others. The majority of my typing skill has been a result of my nerdiness and insane amount of time spent at the computer during my formative years (adolescence and teen years). My Dad and brothers both type about 80-85 wpm, and neither of them plays an instrument, nor have they had as much intensive typing experience as I have--although my Dad does work for IBM.

I think that one of the absolute keys to typing fast is accuracy. I know that the time I typed 128wpm on Typera, I was typing very accurately, and therefore speed didn't matter as much as time when I'm typing so frantically that I make mistakes which sabotage my chances at a high score. Another thing about typera is that as soon as you press the space bar, you cannot go back to the word, so it is automatically marked wrong. For people who notice a mistake just a fraction of a second too late, (which is most people) then they are unable to redeem that wasted word. There are other typing tests out there which score your speed differently, and allow you to type from a passage (which is much less random than the samples on Typera), and then add up all the words which are spelled correctly, rather than doing it as you go. Of course, this method isn't nearly as heart-pounding, asy ou don't get to see your score go up and down as you type furiously for two minutes.

Date: 2006-09-26 05:20:24

Rakeri wrote:
Sure, it is possible. The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

I type 130wpm on QWERTY however and know several people in real life who can type faster. (none of whom are anything in specialization related to typing)

I am also a programmer, and so I can say that actually programming isn't very typing intensive. Not relative to other things, such as playing a MUD, or being a very avid communicator using instant messaging or chat rooms.

Typing tutors are a good way to improve typing speed. This is certainly a good program which helps, but it's nothing compared to actually typing regularly as part of the usual routine - not just programming, which requires a lot more thought than typing. I've found MUDs to be the best way to increase typing speed naturally, without actually trying to become a faster typer. Of course, they are not for everyone. There is even a link to a MUD on the left side of this site, but besides that, I can recommend my home MUD: Materia Magica (www.materiamagica.com) MUDs are (usually) free online text RPG games (if you don't already know) the one I mentioned is supported by donations from players.

Hope this helps. There aren't really many common possibly physical liminations that wouldn't allow one to attain speeds near 100wpm (500kpm) But, if you find it physically difficult to type faster, I strongly suggest trying the Dvorak layout which drastically decreases the distance your fingers must travel.

I type 148 WPM and I'm 12 yrs old. I'm planning to make world record lol. I saw this guy type around 1,000 WPM I think one time...

Date: 2006-09-26 05:21:54

Oh sorry I used my record for my school...My record on this website is 58 WPM sorry lol.

Date: 2006-12-07 05:05:22

I'm 12 years old and can type 156 wpm. I'm currently working towards 160.
My computer teacher can't even type near as fast as me.
I want to see if it's possible for me to type even faster than that...what's the world record?

Date: 2007-01-20 21:56:16

well im stuck at ~130 wpm which is stupid because my fingers just freeze up near the end of the test.

Date: 2007-02-04 09:57:04

Somebody gave me a tip the other day that I credit for giving me a place in the high scores tonight. Don't focus on the word you're typing on. Glance, memorize, and then go to the next.

I hit 675 today, and I got a #40 spot. I imagine I'll eventually get knocked off, but I'm glad I finally got one. Sheesh.

I'm also a mudder. I play on Dark and Shattered Lands (dsl-mud.org), which is just the best MUD in the world. So if you're into the roleplaying thing, go take a look.

Date: 2007-02-21 23:21:23

Greetings!! Well, I started having interest in typing not since a month ago. I'm 33 years of age, and I never got a typing lesson in my whole life. I also hate my english subjects, I just love mathematics, and I hate to read and to write, never read a whole book, but I like of course numbers. I was just curious if typing is also mathematics, I'm sure English subject is not. So I start to search in the net for a place to practice typing, a typing lesson will be an insult for me(?), I usually learn things alone, and in my first hour I tried to learn just the basic in typing. And there it is, just a matter of weeks of 20 minutes per day of typing I reached my goal of 82 wpm, I even reached 86 wpm a while ago, but my average since the other day was 82wpm. I know it's still slow for most of the people here, but it's a hope for many of my age reasoning that it's too late to learn typing. Guys, it's mathematics: will + constant correct practice + learn and learn = fluent German. Opps, what does German language got to do with typing? Well, try to learn it, and you'll know.....

Date: 2007-03-01 09:45:37

I stop by to make an attempt every now and then, been doing that for over 4 years now. What I've noticed is that eventhough I use pretty much all my freetime on computer and tend to write a lot in irc or other kind of chats, I haven't been able to raise my records since '03. Might not be comparable to rest of you since my record is in finnish words (684) but then again my lower results in english aren't telling the whole truth either since I can't think/read in english as fast and haven't written nearly as much as in finnish.

Considering I'm in no form a super being and having typing just part of my hobby and yet having hit 700+ speed for short periods (less than minute though) I would guess real professionals should be able to get numbers like 900 with more special equipment, like the spoken dvorak-keyboard. Haven't used it myself so can't tell if it'd help myself though.

Date: 2007-04-25 16:56:35

Dromiceius wrote:
The Dvorak is definitely better. I switched in may, and haven't regretted it. It's more comfortable to type for long periods of time. However, my dvorak speed is still only just shy of my old qwerty speed. Also, my qwerty speed has dropped from ~100 to about 35wpm.

I would imagine programming is good for those blasted symbol keys, but not much else. if(x!=y || x == z)...

One last thing I'll suggest is that getting faster requires a conscious effort. One must type quickly in order to become a quick typist; walking won't make a better sprinter.

I agree with all of these sentiments. I switched to dvorak a little over a year ago. I was at 125 then, now i'm at around 100. I'm not really sure if i'll ever break my previous top speed (but i'm trying). However, there's just plain less effort involved in typing this way. Also, it's MUCH more comfortable on small keyboards like laptop keyboards.

I am a full time programmer and have been for about 10 years. The placement of the punctuation in dvorak works very well for code.

And like the previous poster mentioned... You're probably not going to get faster without training yourself.

Date: 2007-06-26 17:02:35

Yo randomers. Just thought i'd make my little comment in here. I'm fifteen years old, still in high school, obviously. And i've so far obtained the my highest typing speed (at an average) of around 120wpm. Being quite the computer nerd I consider this, for my age, pretty damned good. Whatch'a think? =^_^=


Date: 2007-07-14 01:36:00

submin wrote:
I'm all most 15 yrs old and I've been typing with QWERTY for about ten years :P
My speed is about 530 kpm.

You must be my distant clone. I've been messing around with computers a lot too, but you seem to be even faster then me. I have no kind of training whatsoever, just many years of playing with computers.

When people see me writting, either my school mates or people that see me writting in public places, something I just look around and I see lots of people pointing at me while I type. but like I said, submin seems to be even faster then me. and at 525kpm you are already typing at lightning speed, so I imagine to double of that. I must need some kind of finger training, I bet, because it's kinda hard to get past the... let's say, 700kpm ? Anyway, 500 seems to be more than enough for people to writting at amazing speeds when in a rush :)

Date: 2007-07-23 02:03:25

I know people who can write over 1000 keys per minute - it's possible!

Date: 2007-07-27 07:20:29

rakeri wrote:
Sure, it is possible. The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

I type 130wpm on QWERTY however and know several people in real life who can type faster. (none of whom are anything in specialization related to typing)

I am also a programmer, and so I can say that actually programming isn't very typing intensive. Not relative to other things, such as playing a MUD, or being a very avid communicator using instant messaging or chat rooms.

Typing tutors are a good way to improve typing speed. This is certainly a good program which helps, but it's nothing compared to actually typing regularly as part of the usual routine - not just programming, which requires a lot more thought than typing. I've found MUDs to be the best way to increase typing speed naturally, without actually trying to become a faster typer. Of course, they are not for everyone. There is even a link to a MUD on the left side of this site, but besides that, I can recommend my home MUD: Materia Magica (www.materiamagica.com) MUDs are (usually) free online text RPG games (if you don't already know) the one I mentioned is supported by donations from players.

Hope this helps. There aren't really many common possibly physical liminations that wouldn't allow one to attain speeds near 100wpm (500kpm) But, if you find it physically difficult to type faster, I strongly suggest trying the Dvorak layout which drastically decreases the distance your fingers must travel.

When you're skilled at programming and are learning a new layout (arensito for me right now) your main limitation will be your typing speed. Using qwerty, which I'm used to, I can churn out code about 3x faster than I can with my current layout.

Arensito is really easy to learn, though.

Date: 2007-08-27 12:51:00


rakeri wrote:
The world record holder is a woman who has typed 212 wpm (which is over 1000). Though she does type on the Dvorak layout which allows for greater speeds once properly learned.

That is Barbara Blackburn

according to Wikipedia
An average typist reaches 50 to 70wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 (usually the minimum required for dispatch positions and other typing jobs), and some advanced typists work at speeds above 120. As of 2005, Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist in the world, according to The Guinness Book of World Records. Using the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, she has maintained 150 wpm for 50 minutes, 170 wpm for shorter periods of time, and has been clocked at a peak speed of 212 wpm. Blackburn failed her typing class in high school, first encountered the Dvorak keyboard in 1938, quickly learned to achieve very high speeds, and occasionally toured giving speed-typing demonstrations during her secretarial career.

So Barbara Blackburn is the most extreme example of the benefits of the Dvorak layout. I can not imagine a bigger discrepancy than this between failing a typing class and achieving world record. Nevertheless the Dvorak layout is used only by far less than 1 % of all typers in USA. Apparently to most people the indisputable advantages of Dvorak are much smaller and hence not worth switching to it.

Another world champion in typewriting was Sigrid Lude. She was meant to achieve 1200 keystrokes per minute at some point.

By the way, what is the exact conversion rate of words per minute to keystrokes per minute?
Is it wpm x 5,0 = kpm or somewhat less, say 4,5?

Helena Matouskova from Prague is meant to having achieved 1000 kpm. During training and for short periods of time, about 1200 kpm are achievable for several typers.

In 2007 there was the Intersteno congress in Prague. The best typer there according to http://www.intersteno.cz/files/PRAG_PAL_FINAL.pdf was Vaclav Mikula with 829 characters per minute.

Very interesting to me the result list of an internet contest run by the same organisation. The competitors typed in their mother tongue and in various (!) other languages:

I really would like to know which layouts they used for the different languages.


Date: 2008-08-18 22:44:38

I just wanted to update my status. The last time I posted in this thread I mentioned that I was at about 100wpm (whereas my qwerty top speed was about 125wpm) and that I was unsure if I would ever beat my qwerty speed.

Well.. I did. I tested at 135wpm recently and I feel great about it. It takes some time, but now my typing is SIGNIFICANTLY more comfortable and I'm at a healthy speed.

Date: 2008-09-06 08:23:13

Congratulations Shawnmccool on your success with the Dvorak. Your an inspiration to all who would switch to an unconventional layout.

Date: 2008-09-10 21:25:32

I think it is quiet simple to type in gerneral if you are not used to
 speacil in speed and so on before I could didnt type very fast but now
I m very fast

Date: 2009-11-29 05:57:50

You are the best you said...lol, wow dude. Look at the score board. All time best on here did 167 wpm. I just got a 97 wpm today...and I'm slow.

Date: 2009-11-29 05:59:34

I think my average speed is roughly 80 wpm.

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