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Forum title:Problems
Topic title:Spaces at the beginning of the text
Created by: slowfox
Created on:2005-02-11 10:43:51
Read times:3416

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Date: 2005-02-11 10:43:51

Today I had a space character at the beginning of the text two times. This is quite irritating, as you have to type _any_ letter followed by a space to get rid of it - and time is running...

Date: 2005-02-15 22:19:17

Slowfox wrote:
Today I had a space character at the beginning of the text two times. This is quite irritating, as you have to type _any_ letter followed by a space to get rid of it

I ran over this again, and this time I remember the context: the offending sentence is "sürekli olarak yenilenebilmesi demektir." in the Turkish text collection. Obviousely, there is a space at the beginning, causing some nasty problems whenever you run over it.

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