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Forum title:Problems
Topic title:Typing won't start
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2005-02-27 01:59:00
Read times:4538

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Date: 2005-02-27 01:59:00

I seem to be having this problem more and more now. Basically, the typing won't start. I type but it won't go. And when I hit Space it scrolls down.

Date: 2005-02-27 08:49:02

Sounds like you need to click the applet to make the browser focus on it. The google ads sometimes steal the focus.

Date: 2005-03-18 06:17:44

Dromiceius wrote:
Sounds like you need to click the applet to make the browser focus on it. The google ads sometimes steal the focus.

I tried that many times. Now I can't get it to work at all.

Date: 2005-04-18 11:39:28

I've got the same problem here. I'm using GNU+Linux 2.6.8 with Firefox and Javaplugin. It works on other pages, and the interface comes up here too. But it wont start even if I click on it many times. Someone knows what could be wrong?

Date: 2005-07-23 21:51:48

MAnsi wrote:
I've got the same problem here. I'm using GNU+Linux 2.6.8 with Firefox and Javaplugin. It works on other pages, and the interface comes up here too. But it wont start even if I click on it many times. Someone knows what could be wrong?

Try to just hold the mouse over the applet (typera-applet) and reload the browser.. and before it loads.. your mouse (pointer) should lay on the applet all the time.

Date: 2005-08-02 01:55:43

mehicd2 wrote:
I seem to be having this problem more and more now. Basically, the typing won't start. I type but it won't go. And when I hit Space it scrolls down.

Try distabling ActiveX this worked for me.

Date: 2005-12-08 14:36:40

Click on the position where you type in the text

I hope this solves your problem

Date: 2005-12-28 20:08:58
Edited: 2005-12-29 12:25:55

No, sorry, that doesn't help. The focus is always on the ad ...

My system:

Linux 2.6.14
Firefox 1.5.0
german keyboard (and yes, german umlauts sometimes also won't work ...)

I have tried it with Opera & Konqueror also --> same problems.

Date: 2005-12-29 23:36:58

I've found a "workaround" (works with Linux and Firefox 1.5.0):

1.) Move the mouse pointer over the applet box.
2.) Press down and hold the "TAB - key".
3.) Press the "left cursor" key once.
4.) Release all keys an begin typing :-)

And for the german umlauts (works with Linux and Firefox 1.5.0):

1.) Go to the applet - webpage.
2.) Select the encoding ISO-8859-15 (via "view" -> "Character Encoding" -> "More Encodings" -> "West European" -> "Western (ISO-8859-15)".
3.) Reload the page.
4.) Start a new test ...

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