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Forum title:Typing
Topic title:Awful English
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2005-03-19 21:30:57
Read times:4524

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Date: 2005-03-19 21:30:57

I tried the "English sentences" once and there's really not one sentence that could be concerned as correct English.
I know that you are no natives but the German sentences are not that awful... (but stange anyway)

Date: 2005-04-16 21:25:10

It's supposed to be random words bunched together to form sentences, not sure if it's really supposed to make that much sense. I was wondering the same thing.

Date: 2005-05-04 09:47:02

shortm wrote:
I tried the "English sentences" once and there's really not one sentence that could be concerned as correct English.
I know that you are no natives but the German sentences are not that awful... (but stange anyway)

There is no such thing as "correct" English.

Date: 2005-07-04 11:54:50

It bothers me when I'm doing well, and then run into something counter-intuitive.
There are some poems in the mix, so there's the Occasional group of Sentences that have Capital letters in Seemingly arbitrary places. Puns and the occasional play on words is also annoying.

Still, the English is fine overall.

Date: 2005-11-02 12:16:52

I know what you mean, I arrived here just yesterday and I've done only the portuguese test with 426kpm (8th place there still, it's slower than in english because of bigger words and accentuated words like Exponenciação) etc.
I haven't tried the english yet but my problem is this: most words in portuguese are in Brazilian portuguese and it has a lot of differences than in portuguese, so I lots of times get wrong words doing them because I write them in the portuguese version (Ativação instead of Activação) etc, and I noticed another detail: the char "ü" that doesn't exist in portuguese language appears there :)
It would be cool if you put there a teste in portuguese from Portugal so I don't have to compare the words as I type them in real time :( but the test is great nevertheless :D

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