Date: 2004-12-13 00:24:39
share your thoughts
Date: 2004-12-13 19:32:16
I guess my suggestion would be to have music that matches your speed. Since I type fast, I listen to fast-paced music to get into a rhythm.
Date: 2004-12-14 18:37:03
Yes music. I also use music for faster typing.
How old are you guys? I'm 16 and I love typing. Is there a sort of contest for it?
greats Julie***
Date: 2004-12-17 14:07:07
I LOVE typing, omg, it's soooooo fun. I dig it..
Date: 2004-12-17 14:08:18
emzilee wrote:
I LOVE typing, omg, it's soooooo fun. I dig it.. |
ya sad!!!! ha!! typing is fpor ninnies!!! ninnie!! haha!! rite ok sowi but who in the world types for fun!???
Date: 2004-12-17 14:10:41
how rude are you!! stupid blonde haired surf bimbo!!
Date: 2004-12-17 14:12:11
no way josé!!! ur the rude one!! cheekeh munkeh! just because i have blonde hair doesn't mean to say im stupid!!! grrr!
Date: 2004-12-17 14:13:21
skydie wrote:
no way josé!!! ur the rude one!! cheekeh munkeh! just because i have blonde hair doesn't mean to say im stupid!!! grrr! |
Who's josé?? Blonde... BIMBO!! Pah. Go ski some more monkey girl.
Date: 2004-12-22 00:21:43
If you are interested in RPG games (or fantasy novels) I would suggest you play MUDs to increase your typing speed. Also, don't use a special MUD client that lets you setup macros, type everything by hand. If you want to succeed in the game (e.g. stay alive), you will need to type quickly. When I was young this really helped me pick up my speed, and now I'm currently #27 on the all-time list here. :) Hope to raise that rank when I have some free time.
Date: 2004-12-22 00:22:35
Oh, and if you need a good MUD to take a look at, try this (copy and paste into browser):
(to connect) telnet://
(or to see a crappy old webpage for it)
It's a great game though, been around for over a decade.
Date: 2005-01-01 04:54:52
PraetorBlue, the MUD thing doesn't work. I went to the webpage and connected and was creating my character and everything but then it just locks up. The DOS locks up and won't let me type random times.
Date: 2005-01-04 12:01:05
jouko wrote:
The key to typing fast in my opinion is Practice, practice and practice!
Date: 2005-01-05 00:32:03
mehicd2 wrote:
PraetorBlue, the MUD thing doesn't work. I went to the webpage and connected and was creating my character and everything but then it just locks up. The DOS locks up and won't let me type random times. |
Try this (assuming you have windows):
1) Click on "Start" 2) Click on "Run..." 3) Type in "cmd" (winXP) or "command" (other Windows), and click "OK" 4) When the black console window comes up, type: telnet 4000
This will connect you the old fashioned way. :) Good luck!
Date: 2005-01-09 16:01:58
The mud i have been playin for ages is MUME (Based on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings) You need fast connection and FAST typing skills to survive in the battles there. I have been warlord there (must skilled player) for a long time and it also helped my typing skills much!
Date: 2005-01-21 23:59:42
One way I've found to increase your typing speed with little to no effort is to basically not hear yourself type. For some reason you don't tend to "think" about typing and the key presses. Music works great.
Date: 2005-01-23 11:06:08
Get "typing of the dead" from
Keep in mind that you need to do two types of practice: 'fast', (as fast as your fingers can go) and 'accurate': Learning to maintain that speed with decent accuracy.
There's also the mental aspect. Everyone knows about getting into "the zone," that highly concentrated state of mind. All there is to think about is the next letter to type. Everything else is distraction.
Lastly, there's the concept of typing "letters" individually rather than words and clusters of letters, which is what our minds do by default. It's hard to learn to type like that, but you'll make fewer errors and have a more constant speed. More importantly, you won't be tripped up by words that are hard to spell, or the reduplication of words and tongue twisters.
I switched from qwerty to dvorak around may of 2004. Dvorak is faster, and easier on the joints, so switching to that might be worth the trouble if your qwerty speed isn't very high.
Date: 2005-01-24 22:12:16
The only way for me to type fast is to pay almost no attention at all. Well, that's not right. Paying so much attention that you're almost not even there. So much that, when the game finishes, you're thinking, "Whoa, done already?"
Date: 2005-02-03 14:24:48
Edited: 2005-02-03 14:25:06
about the MUD stuff: i never heard of MUD's before and so i would like someone to give me a link to a free easy newb-friends little small MUD thingy where you can learn how a MUD works and so on :)
Edit: maybe a german one would be VERY good for me :D
i wouldnt like to switch my Keyboard layout (typing german QWERTZ ATM) because i cant carry around my keyboard all the time :D
also, i dont really need to be so damn fast, because i almost type only for programming, even tho typing hell fast could make the girls around go "w00t! wanna be mah luv0r?" ;)
Date: 2005-02-03 20:55:41
Typing is like driving my car. If I floor it straight off, it's fast but it makes this leap forward and then levels off. If you gradually force it to speed up, it'll just get better and better.
Basically, try to type the sentences the fastest you can type. Don't worry about typos, and don't think about it. Then the next time, try it a little more controlled. Let your mind go blank, but be conscious of your fingers. Don't let them go haywire.
Date: 2005-02-04 15:27:26
I have been learning dvorak for about 2 weeks now. My fastest time ever on the originial typerA was 620 (top 100 baby) but dvorak definatly makes you able to type faster. The home row is so much more relaxed and you don't get the weird combos that you normally do when you have to swtich for obsene letters. You can go under keyboard in settings and change to "Dvoark International" and just begin learning all over again. Trust me you learn REAL quick :)
Date: 2005-02-07 19:42:38
Edited: 2005-02-08 20:07:54
jaa mitä sää niinku kysyit ees? emmää tota vieraanmaankieltä osaa
EDIT: Osaanpas. "Jaa ajatuksiasi."
Date: 2005-03-01 23:37:38
Best way to improve in typing is.. to not try!
Seriously, if you just forget about typing faster and just regularly use online chatting programs like msn and playing games where you interact with other people by saying "Hi!", "what's up!" "whoa, you're good at this game" etc, you'll eventually get used to it that you can regularly type over 100wpm... ...well.. thats what happened to me...
Date: 2005-03-05 18:45:49
What's 'dvorak'?
Date: 2005-03-06 11:43:42
^ its another form of keyboard layout~ look it up on google. If you are using WinXP (and other OS's but I'm not sure if they work) you can set your windows to think it is connected to one and it has an alternate keyboard layout. Just FYI the QWERTY keyboard layout was developed because typewriters couldn't keep up with fast typists so by putting commonly used keys in harder to reach places, it slowed them down so that the typewriters would work... DVORAK however was created when computers were in use I think and that they could handle high speed typing and people wanted something faster than QWERTY.
Anyway my tip is 'get into a beat'. That's something I've learnt to do. It's like when you fight or drive.. you need a beat.. a momentum. Using this beat you try to be 'stable' and 'consistent' throughout the whole time and your typing will improve!
Date: 2005-03-06 18:23:41
Hey, does anybody know of any really good typing programs or games that make a big difference in your wpm to buy or download? The best I have found so far is Typer Shark Deluxe on Yahoo. There must be others. I only type about 50wpm at like 98% accuracy, but I am boud and determined to achieve 100wpm at 100% accuracy. The music thing works great, as well as the "zoning out" - I currently practice both. I am thinking about switching to DVORAK but I have never head about it until reading this forum - can you still use your QWERTY keyboard, just with different home keys or do you need a DVORAK keyboard? I wouldn't want to learn how to type fast with a special keyboard if it wasn't the standard QWERTY attached to most computers. Someone please tell me your thoughts!
Date: 2005-04-04 06:14:07
i ask u how to improve ur typing wan can u tell me i wan to learn so tt i can type faster den my fren
Date: 2005-04-04 06:15:08
i ask u how u start the game
Date: 2005-04-04 09:36:10
Start the game... and write as fast as you can... with the time it gets difficult to write fast.. so in the end there is a score with 50 keys less than it looked in the beginning
Date: 2005-04-04 20:08:05
I'm actually different. I get lost in the sound of the keys, and it helps to speed up my typing. The louder keyboard I'm using, the faster I'll type. It's kind of weird, but that's how I am.
My suggestion, to speed up one's typing, is similar to what others have said, type a lot.
Play text based games, such as muds, and those old adventure games where you go around and have to type stuff. Talk to people in chatrooms, especially particularly active ones, and try to avoid using abbreviations for things. You'll begin to see yourself typing a lot faster.
I also play a kind of silly game with myself, but it's fun.
I look at a webpage, or a plan for a design I have, and I type really fast the HTML and CSS required to make it. I don't look at the sources of anything, I just race the time to see how fast I can make a webpage. It makes for some crappy looking pages, but it improves my thinking speed, my typing speed, and my skills at coding web pages, all at the same time.
Date: 2005-06-02 11:03:23
jaywilliams2005 wrote:
Hey, does anybody know of any really good typing programs or games that make a big difference in your wpm to buy or download? The best I have found so far is Typer Shark Deluxe on Yahoo. ... I am thinking about switching to DVORAK but I have never head about it until reading this forum - can you still use your QWERTY keyboard, just with different home keys or do you need a DVORAK keyboard?... |
Typer Shark Deluxe is great for increasing typing speed. I like where you keep going deeper and deeper into the ocean, and the sharks keep getting faster. Another game is Sponge Bob typing for the little ones with warped minds. My niece had fun with it.
About the DVORAK, you don't need a special keyboard. I use DVORAK on a regular PC keyboard with the keys still showing QWERTY. On another computer I used a key popper to rearrange the keys. The important thing if you use public computers a lot (such as libraries), many times they do not allow access to control panels to change the keyboard layout. It is not a problem knowing two keyboard layouts, is it? ;-)
I switched to DVORAK about ten years ago. While my typing speed did go up some, the greatest effect was the ease of typing was raised. I think that the capacity to go faster with DVORAK is greater because (for English) your fingers have much less distance to travel.
Typing tutor programs really do help if you have any problem keys that you seem to miss more than others. The program will focus on the keys where you have problems.
Date: 2005-06-02 11:10:35
SpearsDracona wrote:
I also play a kind of silly game with myself, but it's fun.
I look at a webpage, or a plan for a design I have, and I type really fast the HTML and CSS required to make it. I don't look at the sources of anything, I just race the time to see how fast I can make a webpage. It makes for some crappy looking pages, but it improves my thinking speed, my typing speed, and my skills at coding web pages, all at the same time. |
That's so cool. Synthesis on a computer! Imagine using the whole mind and manifesting it through the fingers.
Date: 2005-06-03 20:32:36
terry wrote:
SpearsDracona wrote:
I also play a kind of silly game with myself, but it's fun.
I look at a webpage, or a plan for a design I have, and I type really fast the HTML and CSS required to make it. I don't look at the sources of anything, I just race the time to see how fast I can make a webpage. It makes for some crappy looking pages, but it improves my thinking speed, my typing speed, and my skills at coding web pages, all at the same time. |
That's so cool. Synthesis on a computer! Imagine using the whole mind and manifesting it through the fingers.
It's all good and well saying "practice!" - but the best way to practice is to use instant messaging frequently, very frequently, and eventually you'll own at typing...
Date: 2005-06-21 19:08:06
I pretty old but I can not blame myself since I am new to computer typing even I new this year what computer looks like and its keyboard and gradually I start typing within 14 days I could able to type 169keys/minute which is verylow score but encouraging for those who are strange to computer. I love typing on the computer but some when I get new English words I'm so slow because English is my second language. Melles
Date: 2005-07-17 19:30:57
Yeah, MUD's are great to learn typing, all my typing came from MUDDING back in those days, hehehe, I still love mudding, but sadly, none of me friends mud anymore, heheheeh, owells :p
Date: 2005-12-06 03:09:58
i know that this was probably a long time ago that you guyz were fighting about this but i type for fun and i am only 12. I love to type that doesn't mean i weird or anythin i just think it's fun. Oh and whoever thought that it was stupid to type for fun then why the hell are you on here anywayz?
Date: 2005-12-06 19:17:37
Hi every one i love typing too and if some one loves it then leave them to it how are they a ninnie or wot ever u calle them ?!?!?!?
Date: 2005-12-09 18:11:35
I have a question to the fast ones (550+). When you type what do you look at ? what letter is coming next, or what word is coming next? or.. ? And how do you practice your accuracy ? Beacuse when I try to type as fast as i can , i just start to make a lot of mistakes.. or in the chat rooms i don't care whether i type accurately or not.. ?
Date: 2006-01-31 22:28:37
SaVaGe wrote:
I have a question to the fast ones (550+). When you type what do you look at ? what letter is coming next, or what word is coming next? or.. ? And how do you practice your accuracy ? Beacuse when I try to type as fast as i can , i just start to make a lot of mistakes.. or in the chat rooms i don't care whether i type accurately or not.. ? |
I'm reading the next word in the time that I write down my first word.. I think it isn't important how you read.. Just keep typing thru all the time and you'll automatically do the right thing to don't waste time because of reading.
My accuracy.. On MSN I always try to type accurate, on typera I always just go thru. Backspace is in most of the cases a waste of time, except at the end of large words. In other cases, just continue typing and fuck those red words.
Date: 2006-02-01 15:45:16
You can't "fuck the red words"... sometimes it's better to use backspace then go on writing. And my tip: find your own style how to read the words, just type and type and type..
Date: 2006-02-03 13:14:14
Pascal wrote:
You can't "fuck the red words"... sometimes it's better to use backspace then go on writing. And my tip: find your own style how to read the words, just type and type and type.. |
Yes, at the end of pretty large words.. But in most cases you better just continue with what you were doig..
And indeed, just type and improve and you''ll find a way to don't waste time on reading.
Date: 2006-02-25 07:07:26
Hey I wanna know how to type capital letters....Afaik one should use both shift keys to type capital letters...but it reduces my typing speed a lot...Now when I have to type some big word in capital letter, I have to switch between the 2 shift keys a lot and it makes my typing both slower and uncomfortable...I wanna know how do you guys type capital letters....One more thing, I want to know which fingers to use for typing numbers( which are located above the "qwerty" row)
Date: 2006-03-10 03:27:59
ankur wrote:
Hey I wanna know how to type capital letters....Afaik one should use both shift keys to type capital letters...but it reduces my typing speed a lot...Now when I have to type some big word in capital letter, I have to switch between the 2 shift keys a lot and it makes my typing both slower and uncomfortable...I wanna know how do you guys type capital letters....One more thing, I want to know which fingers to use for typing numbers( which are located above the "qwerty" row) |
I've always been told that using the shift keys is supposed to be faster than using caps lock... But in my experience using caps lock before and after each capitalized letter has always been easier and smoother. I just think of it as another couple of easy letters. Caps, I, uncaps. Fun.
Date: 2006-07-01 05:51:03
ankur wrote:
Hey I wanna know how to type capital letters....Afaik one should use both shift keys to type capital letters...but it reduces my typing speed a lot... |
Do you mean that you hold down both of them at the same time? That's not necessary. You only need to hold down one. I always use the left one, unless I have to use the left pinky for something else (i.e. for Q, A, Z, !, or ~) in which case I use the right one. I used to always use the left shift key and then use my left ring finger for those, and it slowed me down a bit while I was getting used to doing it properly instead, but now I'm used to it.
Date: 2006-07-31 21:42:29
I have a similar question. My high score is 304 sentences so I'm about an average typer here.
Should I try to use both thumbs for space or does it really not matter. I know I'm supposed to use the left thumb if the last letter was right handed and vice versa, but I find myself using the left one most of the time.
Date: 2006-08-01 23:31:28
Tuning out noise with soft music can help improve typing speed. Noise affects your small motor skills.
Date: 2006-08-03 06:21:03
There are a few things that have helped me type fast:
1. I used to 'program' commodore 64 games back in the day (that is, copying a ton of numbers from a magazine).
2. Starting to type when you're young.
3. Playing a musical instrument - gets your fingers used to thinking on their own.
4. Being a software programmer (esp. web development since it can be so repetitive/trivial typing), instant messaging, blogging, long emails (i.e., practice).
5. Most importantly - keep your mind a word ahead of what you're typing. Better yet, if you're typing sentences, read the whole next phrase. For example 'in the room' I would read as one word so I wouldn't have to think about 3 separate words.
Date: 2007-03-04 04:34:11
What he **** praetorblue wrote:
Oh, and if you need a good MUD to take a look at, try this (copy and paste into browser):
(to connect) telnet://
(or to see a crappy old webpage for it)
It's a great game though, been around for over a decade. |
Date: 2007-03-14 18:33:35
Edited: 2007-03-14 18:39:16
Play a few strategy games (like Warcraft) and / or use hotkeys in whatever program you use. And use them damn often, whenever you could actually. Eventually you'll subconsciously memorize where the keys are. Also, learn to 'speed read'. Picture the sentence ahead of what you're typing in your head, so you type directly from the information in your head instead of having to read the next word or letter all the time. For me, it would be information overload if I try to single out every letter I type as someone suggested above. Also, don't think hard about what you're typing, or if you're typing it right.
After you memorize key positions from hotkeys, chatting, whatever, sound out the next sentence/phrase you read in your head without paying attention to what they mean or how to spell them. And let your instinct take over...
The thing I should particularly note is that I NEVER actually spent hours memorizing the location of each key as traditional methods would have you do. Simply, do alot of typing activities (e.g. hotkeys in fast-paced games, chatting, MUDs, etc.) and it will come to you. For example, if you type "LMAO" or "LOL" in chatting alot, you will soon remember "generally" where the letter L is. When you do this for every character, you can kinda piece together a virtual keyboard in your mind without actually knowing exactly where every key is - which you don't need to know. I find it easier to just learn where the characters are in relation to another.
Date: 2007-10-07 15:33:02
There's only one way to improve typing - by doing it! Try to catch all your thoughts and type them. You possibly cannot write them as fast as they pop into your mind.