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Forum title:TyperA
Topic title: a german letter isn't available on Swi
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2004-12-18 21:25:13
Read times:5436

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Date: 2004-12-18 21:25:13
Edited: 2004-12-18 21:26:39


I've got a problem with the game.
The double S isn't avilable on Swiss keyboards.
can you fix this please?(so make the double s letter = ss)
it would be nice :)


edit: sry i don't see that the problem is already recognized

Date: 2004-12-21 01:04:27

digifreax wrote:

I've got a problem with the game.
The double S isn't avilable on Swiss keyboards.
can you fix this please?(so make the double s letter = ss)
it would be nice :)


edit: sry i don't see that the problem is already recognized

Hi. Something really ist bad at TyperA:
You have to use that "öäü" letters, but ae oe ue for those letters would be correct too. I always write ae oe ue and it's a mistake. I won't write other letters, because I learned it that way. Otherwise, I'm sure, I would come to 550-600CPM.

Date: 2005-02-08 15:46:45

digifreax wrote:

The double S isn't avilable on Swiss keyboards.
can you fix this please?(so make the double s letter = ss)

Hm. This would definitiely not be a good idea, as the "ß" is
one of the more difficult characters to type - and its absence
would make things easier than they are in the realy world (apart
from Switzerland, of course...). Perhaps a special "language",
transcribing "äöüß" with ae, oe, ue and ss would be a solution


Date: 2005-05-19 17:44:17

i never used ae oe ue before. and i didn't lern it also :-) So its o.k if i have to type ö ä ü. how you can be faster with type one key more? anyway.. great site ;-)



PS: I'm from switzerland

Date: 2005-07-29 01:19:10

Hi, it would be nice if we get a Swiss German test/game, without the german double s ;) Bye.

Date: 2005-08-02 16:10:08

well, the ae oe and ue are solutions for times, when there are no umlauts available. Same counts for ss as ß, but in the last few years, many words with ß have changed to ss. Maybe you should look into your samples, if they correctly use the new spelling.

Date: 2005-09-09 02:29:26
Edited: 2005-09-09 02:29:39

This problem freaks me out since years!

It's really frustrating when you're on the way to a new record and there's a word you can't type with your keyboard layout.

Allowing ss for ß would help german speaking people outside of germany a lot - and I don't think this would be much of a difficulty issue.

Date: 2005-09-22 00:28:24

You can change the Keyboardlayout from Swiss-German to German.The ß is avialable then (Where you find the "?")

Date: 2007-05-31 20:46:40

You can change the Keyboardlayout from Swiss-German to German.The ß is avialable then (Where you find the "?")

oh yea, so im just gonna type it even though i've never done it and it surely wont hit me out of the Rhythm, huh :/

Date: 2008-01-02 14:35:07

you really should fix this. drives me crazy :D

Date: 2013-08-12 12:22:57

In Switzerland, using the ß is simply no grammatically correct. On the other side, the selection clearly says "German", not "German (Swiss)" or "German (International)" (I actually don't know how the other German speaking countries handle that. A very simple fix would be to just add another option "German (Swiss)" where you use the German phrases/words but simply replace all 'ß' with 'ss'. Umlaute remain the same.

That would be the only correct solution, imo. Because the Germans still use the ß.

I am Swiss and also don't have the ß available (nor do I want to, because it's wrong to use it in Switzerland). When I get to a word containing ß, I simply hit a letter+space. This gives me an error but I don't loose that much time. Still, a solution would be much appreciated.

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