Date: 2006-06-13 22:38:17
Did anyone here (with above 100 wpm) use a typing program to get better at typing? If so, which program did you use, and how much do you think it helped? Did you play any MUDS?
Date: 2006-06-19 02:06:29
Faluzure wrote:
Did anyone here (with above 100 wpm) use a typing program to get better at typing? If so, which program did you use, and how much do you think it helped? Did you play any MUDS? |
Hi Faluzure, I've been typing since I was in kindergarten and in Elementary school I used a program called "fastype," which ran in DOS. I was able to find it on the internet a few years ago, but I can't seem to find it any longer. I'm not too fond of the new version of it.
Date: 2006-12-16 21:43:19
I learned when I was 9, in school. The program was called QWERTY for Apple//e.
Later I had to take typing classes in high school, using Mavis Beacon, but it was too simple because I could already type.
Honestly I prefer the book tutors because I don't like to interact with graphics.
Date: 2007-09-20 06:05:59
you want to type at incredible rate, you must learn the basic form... any children's typing program should suffice
Date: 2018-06-30 17:16:55
I learned ten-finger-typing in a course offered at my school in grade 7, I guess. Our teacher recommended us to download Tux Typing, a linux-looking application with penguins eating fish or aliens shooting UFOs. But I like typerA better, it's not childish-looking and you don't have so much stress and therefore better results.
Date: 2019-03-15 23:22:14
Hello. I did use a typing program called 10fastfingers to improve my speeds. It has since been four years and for easy sentences i can get 120 words per minute and up. I want to become interested in programming so that way i can take my skills to a new level. Thanks. Bitbat