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Forum title:Typing
Topic title:Did anyone here use a typing program?
Created by: faluzure
Created on:2006-06-13 22:38:17
Read times:4727

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Date: 2006-06-13 22:38:17

Did anyone here (with above 100 wpm) use a typing program to get better at typing? If so, which program did you use, and how much do you think it helped? Did you play any MUDS?

Date: 2006-06-19 02:06:29

Faluzure wrote:
Did anyone here (with above 100 wpm) use a typing program to get better at typing? If so, which program did you use, and how much do you think it helped? Did you play any MUDS?

Hi Faluzure, I've been typing since I was in kindergarten and in Elementary school I used a program called "fastype," which ran in DOS. I was able to find it on the internet a few years ago, but I can't seem to find it any longer. I'm not too fond of the new version of it.

Date: 2006-12-16 21:43:19

I learned when I was 9, in school. The program was called QWERTY for Apple//e.

Later I had to take typing classes in high school, using Mavis Beacon, but it was too simple because I could already type.

Honestly I prefer the book tutors because I don't like to interact with graphics.

Date: 2007-09-20 06:05:59

you want to type at incredible rate, you must learn the basic form... any children's typing program should suffice

Date: 2018-06-30 17:16:55

I learned ten-finger-typing in a course offered at my school in grade 7, I guess. Our teacher recommended us to download Tux Typing, a linux-looking application with penguins eating fish or aliens shooting UFOs. But I like typerA better, it's not childish-looking and you don't have so much stress and therefore better results.

Date: 2019-03-15 23:22:14

I did use a typing program called 10fastfingers to improve my speeds. It has since been four years and for easy sentences i can get 120 words per minute and up. I want to become interested in programming so that way i can take my skills to a new level.

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