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Forum title:Problems
Topic title:highscore list
Created by: Anonymous
Created on:2006-07-18 23:41:31
Read times:3552

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Date: 2006-07-18 23:41:31

hi everybody,
i created a highscore list. meanwhile 2 other people joined
and finished some games. but the the list is not showing
in the list of available highscore lists.
but why/ where to find the list?

thanks in advance.

Date: 2006-09-16 21:03:00

i've got the same problem. today i created a new list and i can't find it anywhere.

Date: 2006-09-16 21:41:21

now i found it.

Date: 2006-10-21 06:54:14

Hi everyone

Am new to this website. However after many typing tries, still unable to view my score on the Highscores list(even though my speed is faster than the last one on the 'Todays's best'.
Tried to join 'English sentences' but how do I do the keyword ? Is it a kind of password or what ?

Pls help.


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